
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Don't forget

(The new heading picture is another arch in the Arches National Monument near Moab, Utah.)
Don't forget to check out the interview at, a mighty fine and fun site.

It has been a mighty busy time around here since before Thanksgiving with all the Christmas shopping and returns that don't fit and the thinking of something else needed to satisfy someone's wish. It's been so hectic that I hardly have time to read the newspaper, let alone another book, but, I'm not the only one in this predicament from the things I've read on the various blogs, which I squeeze in between Home Depot and J.C. Penney's, Kohl's, Ulta, Target, Macy's, Applebee's, Saba's Western Store, the Quilt Shoppe, Ace Hardware, Dollar Store, the Family Dollar Store, the Dollar General, did Applebee's get in there? I think we had lunch there yesterday or was it the day before?

And with all that, I'm working on a short story again, and proofing the next novel, The Bloody Gulch. I've been trying to get it in shape for a submission to a publisher, but it's slow going. I find it easier to proof read on a hard copy than on the screen and am about half or so through the hard copy. I'll sure be glad when Christmas is over this year, and New Year's, too, and Valentine's Day, President's Day, Martin Luther King Day, and, well, maybe not quite that far, but Valentine's Day for sure.

Hectic is as hectic does, as Forrest Gumpish said..


  1. Oscar, I'm pretty sure that if you click on 'follow' again (in the top bar), you'll get a message saying something like 'you already follow this blog. Would you like to stop following?'

  2. Thanks, Valance. Finally found it and removed myself.

  3. I always work from a hard copy toward the end.

  4. David, misery loves company, glad to see I'm no the only one.

    Hawk, enjoy the season and Merry Christmas!
    Big hug.

  5. Aw, shucks! change to read "glad to see I'm NOT the only one, David.

  6. You're such a sweetheart ya' are!

    Big cyber hugs

  7. Oscar, thanks a million times over for adding my Christmas story to your blog list. It makes me want to read a western. --

  8. Anon, you're welcome. Merry Christmas!
