
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Semi-Annual List of Blogs I've Read and Liked

As the title says, here's my list of blogs that I've followed and enjoyed for this half-year:

Evan Lewis' blog: for its colors and humor.
Sandra Seamans: for all the websites for short stories and writing tips.
Levitt E. Valance: for his sense of humor and stories.
Gary Dobbs: for the variety he provides along with his Western Weekends.
Charles Whipple: for the infrequency and his endeavors with his boat Endeavor.

And there you have it for this past six months. For all those great bloggers not listed, please don't feel left out because there are many more that I follow and enjoy just as much, and I would like to mention Chris Enss Journal at for her dauntless pursuit of the truth and history of Elizabeth Custer and the book she is writing on Mrs. Custer.


  1. You have a couple in there I've missed and will check out time permitting. Thanks.

  2. Hi Oscar!

    I hope I can make your list next year!

    But I have to agree with you about Mr. Valance...I love his humor and style!


  3. Howdy, Hawk!

    Let me make a note of that, I enjoy your blog, too, and don't feel left out because I didn't put it on the list.

    Mr. Valance is a kick!
