
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stuff that isn't necessary

It was a close call yesterday, when I decided that I would quit blogging, but my common sense prevailed. I was reading various blogs again and ran into one that talked about the legal ramifications of blogging, and I thought that if I had to take all that stuff into consideration before I said a few things, it wasn't worth it. I even wrote my final one and planned to delete everything. But, then had second thoughts. I don't intend to offend anyone, steal copyrighted material, copy other blogs, or delete certain comments that I don't like. So far, I haven't received any comments that would lead me to think of deleting them, but, like I said in my first blog, certain things will be deleted, e.g., some offensive language. A person can write a comment without using unnecssary four-letter words, if he puts his mind to it, and in many cases, the end result will be more scathing than obscenity. And in some instances, a four-letter word can place particular emphasis on what the writer is trying to say, but I still retain the right to delete those things I feel are not suitable. Oh, yes, one other thing, if I should want to use something that somebody else has said the way he said it, I would reckon that I would garner permission to do so. By the way, I haven't had need to delete anything so far, having only received one comment, and I appreciated that one and took it to heart.

Now, with that off my chest, we'll proceed as usual.

Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.

Proceeding apace with rewrite of Tom Anderson, up to page 90-something now. Last week was very productive in my estimation. In those pages, Tom and Yonny are looking for the bank robbers and have reached Manti, hoping they can pick up the trail lost due to a snowstorm. The town's lawman, Sheriff Cobb, has his thoroughbreds stolen out of the stable and Tom figures it's the robbers they're looking for and they join the posse, but before they can get out of town, someone tries to kill them both, plugging away at them in the middle of town from concealment. Yonny tells the sheriff that it is a personal matter, and Cobb doesn't need to go looking for the shooter. He thinks it was Del Whitney out for revenge and will take care of him after they catch the men they're looking for, a more important job. The posse takes off on the outlaw trail, hoping to cut off the thieves before they can reach the Colorado line or get lost in the mountains near the border.

Zeke Haskell and Nellie Kelly, the two remaining outlaws, have another disagreement and Nellie decides its time to get rid of Zeke. And Zeke is thinking the same thing about Kelly, and taking all the money they've managed to steal. Who wins? Or what happens? And what happened to young Billy Kelly? Stay tuned.

This week is not starting off that way, though, with other things to do, I may not make as much progress, but it will be done, e'en if I have to use some of my midnight oil.

I saw on Yahoo a notice about some Hebrew books being up for sale. If I could understand Hebrew and was really interested, and I could afford it, I might think about one or two of them.
They're on sale as a collection, though, for preservation purposes, I suppose. I would think some library will latch onto them, but it might have to be a Government entity like the Smithsonian.

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