
Friday, February 20, 2009

Miscellaneous or Extraneous or Randomaneous

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.

There we went again, got posted before I could get along with it. I was checking on formatting without saving, so the verse got published without the body. Most of the questions I have come up during a blog, and I look for the answer before saving. This time I won't cuss, I'll just get on with it and offer a simple apology to those who may have happened to read just the verse. Sorry, but I can't say it won't happen again.

Its going to be another short day of creation and production. I was informed that we're going shopping for groceries, hardware, and miscellaneous items we desperately need to keep the world turning around. This won't be published until Sunday or thereabouts, but Sunday will be another day of interruptions. Anything that interrupts my creative processes, which are pretty thin to begin with, sets me back to the beginning, practically. I've never been one to worry much about use of time, but sometimes it begins to crimp in the wrong places, and I'm beginning to understand people when they tell me they don't have time for something.

I'm trying to develop the habit of writing the blog a day or two or more before it is published. That way I can consider my second thoughts about it and is one reason why I've reduced it to two or three times a week. I haven't had much feedback, if any, since I began, so if anyone wants to comment on any of them, please feel free to do so. Otherwise, I'll just go on as usual.

I'm flying the flag on Sunday, George Washington's Birthday. I usually fly it on National Holidays, but since they rearranged them to celebrate all the Presidents, old George doesn't get the glorification he should in my estimation, so I'm putting the flag out on a non-holiday day to celebrate the Father of Our Country, as he is called, being the first President. I might fly it on other days too, if I remember them, like Ben Franklin's birthday. He provided a lot of advice and guidance to America, and I think it should be celebrated, too. And there are a number of other people, too, that should be celebrated, so I'm flying it for them, too. So when the flag goes up Sunday at my house, that's who it represents.

I've acquired three more Westerns to read: Will Henry's "One More River To Cross", Will Cade's "Flee the Devil", and Wayne D. Overholser's "Wild Horse River", and will get into them shortly. I started on Will Henry, but I'll have to begin again because of drowsiness. I guess I was extra tired.

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