
Sunday, July 31, 2011

On to Illinois

"December 22 1829
"I started on the trail from Raccoon, lost the night one and travelled about six miles out of our way. Came across an Indian wigwam paid boy for setting us right land Birch and Maple and good to Black Raccoon about sunset about 14 miles from where we started and had travelled at least 20 to Wabash river thence down river and crossed about 2 miles distant - dark down the river through the wood  etc got lost struck fire and camped for the night about 7 o'clock on a side hill the most sitely place we could find, built fire in an old dry white oak that was blown up laid down on supper side of the fire, and when asleep, we would find ourselves slipping down into the fire and our toes getting scorched. had walked about 22 miles and was quite tired - did not sleep soundly and surly(?) enough the next morning for comfort -

"Dec 23d - No expenses -
"Had nothing to pay for lodging last night Started into the woods found a road in about 30 rods thence on about 2 miles. Came to a Mr. Woodworths where we had intended to make last night having fasted about 32 hours - The sight of a house or log cabin looked pleasant - fine bottom land on the Wabash got a good breakfast stopped for the day tried to buy a canoe but failed - hired Mr. Woodruff and hands try to build us one, ...(?)... four hands commenced work at canoe say about 10 o'clock AM. [I note he has the man's last name spelled two ways, don't know which is correct.]

"December 24  1829
"At Woodruffs, had nothing essential on hand went occasionally into the wood to see the workmen at canoe and view the land on the bank of the Wabash - land extremely fine timber oak birch walnut claw(?) hickory ash etc

"December 25. Christmas - 11 o'clock AM
"Expenses for board and work on canoe $3.25 got into canoe and put off down stream at 8 miles two large rocks on left hand show about 60 fee high composed of limestone fine bottoms on each side of the stream from 1/2 to 1 1/2 miles wide. from Woodworths to Salmon Creek, put in on the left hand side at 8 1/2 miles a Halveys some refreshments banks of limestone an Indian's house occasionally along on the banks the Miami reservation 30 miles square on the left hand shore (south of river) at at 32 miles from Woodworths the Mississinaway puts into the Wabash on the left hand side at 35 miles Miami > post a small village on the right hand shore or north bank of river sunset at 40 miles 6 o'clock PM some little altercation took place between Mr Clarke and myself about running in the night - I gained the point and we put up at Oldhams

"December 26. 1829
"Expenses $0.32
"Started at 1/2 past 6 AM from Oldhams yet dark at three miles Pipe Creek puts in on the left hand bank, at 11 miles the rapids of the Wabash at 13 miles Logans Port - Eel river puts in on the right hand shore Logans Port in the forks - Town just commenced only 18 months old and contained about 300 inhabitants and calculate in 18 months more will contain 1,000. so says the Landlord Tharp & Wilson keeping Hotel keeping - Passed down the river, land on the right bank high, White oak barrens on the left hand shore fine bottom land rather low will overflow at sunset passed Deer Creek Prairie on the left at 40 miles from Logans Port the Tippecanoe river Dark at 4 miles passed Pino river, river turned more south at 50 miles from LoganKeepers Port LaFayette commenced three years ago contains a population of 1000 . So says Gen Johnson the Hotel Keeper, a real mud hole got there 1/2 pat 7 o'clock PM. the head of Steam Boat navigation The mouth of Tippecanoe on the Wabash 6 miles above Lafayette made in all this day 63 miles.
"Expenses $l.12 1/2

[I will say that 63 miles in a day traveling down river in a canoe is making pretty good time. And speaking of time there is two maybe three more posts of this journal before I'm finished with it.]  


  1. Expenses, 0.32. Wow. Just amazing how things like that have changed.

  2. And it was a cheap canoe they had made, too! At least it sounds cheap today.
