
Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Followers/Reading

I have overlooked the fact that I have some new followers, and I would like to correct that now and welcome Paul D. Brazill ( and Marsha Ward ( to the blog, and thanks to them and the others who I hope I haven't overlooked, but if so, I apologize for the oversight and certainly welcome them aboard, too.

Over the last few weeks, I've procured the following books to add to my bookshelf:

1. Dead Freight for Piute by Luke Short, a 4th printing in 1968, Bantam pocket book that's falling apart
2. Gunsights by Elmore Leonard, 2nd printing July 1985, Bantam pocket book
3.Texas Blood Feud by Dusty Richards, 1st printing Nov 2009, a Pinnacle pocket book
4. Texas Iron by Robert J. Randisi, 1st printing Leisure Books, Feb 2008, pocket book
5. Legend, a pocket book of short stories by Elmer Kelton, Judy Alter, Loren D. Estleman, James Reasoner, Jane Candia Coleman, Ed Gorman and Robert J. Randisi, Leisure Book, l999, pocket book
6. Showdown at Yellow Butte by Louis L'Amour, 3rd printing, Feb 1984, Bantam, pocket book
7. Arkansas Smith by Jack Martin, A Black Horse Western, First Published in Great Britain 2010, Hardback
8. Appaloosa by Robert B. Parker, Berkley Trade Paperback Edition, January 2010
9.  Meloncholy Baby by Robert B. Parker, A Sunny Randall Novel, G. P. Putnam hardback, it's either a First or Second Edition (?)

There is one other book which I wanted to list seperately in light of the Ian Fleming/Raymond Chandler interview on David Cranmer's (The Education of a Pulp Writer). There was one little mention in the interview of Chandler's last book that he was still working on that is set in Palm Springs, CA, and I am under the impression that this book is it, Poodle Springs, by Raymond Chandler and Robert B. Parker, a G. P. Putnam and Sons hardback of 1989, a First Edition, a Spenser novel. It was just coincidental that it fell into my hands because I only buy non-westerns occasionally, and it seems the last couple of months there was a new spurt for mysteries. This book and Meloncholy Baby were purchased at different times for a dollar each at a local cafeteria bookstand.  Since both authors are now in Paradise, Poodle Springs may increase in value, but too bad it isn't autographed. Mr. Parker finished the book after Chandler's death in 1959.

Of the books listed above I have read Showdown at Yellow Butte, Appaloosa, Arkansas Smith and Meloncholy Baby, The others are on the TBR list yelling out to be read, and I am anxious to get started, but I am barely into Dead Reckoning by Mike Blakely, first things first.

I'm such a slow reader it takes me somethimes a week, sometimes a month or two to finish a book anymore.
Just too many things going on to devote time in one sitting to completely read a book. In the olden days, it wasn't like this, but time gets crowded-er as life shortens.


  1. Good luck with all that. I saw the Ed Harris film of APPALOOSA and enjoyed Vigo Mortensen as Harris' partner and Jeremy Irons (as the heavy).

    I've been curious about this book POODLE SPRINGS. Dating from the 1950s, it is set in the town's heyday, which lingers today in the "mid-century modern" architecture that is now trendy again. Meanwhile, the town itself is something of a faded tourist attraction, while the adjacent towns that have sprung up since the 1950s have flourished.

    I, too, just came home with an armload of books that I'm eager to read.

  2. I make it a point never to see the film until I've read the book, and I still haven't seen Appaloosa.

    Haven't been through Palm Springs in a number of years, but I assume it'll be swallowed up by its surroundings. It used to be a nice drive from Hemet and down the mountain to I-10.

    Buying books is something I can't control. If I see one I need, I get it.

  3. Oh, I am a book lover for sure! Never was a flower and chocolate girl...I want books! That's how me hubby won me heart...he bought me books and then jewelry. Smart boy! ;-)

    I'm still working on your interview, my book and building my website! So forgive if I don't make it by as often as I should!


  4. You're forgiven, Hawk. I know it's hard to read everything you want to in a short time, and do all the other things required of writers.

  5. Hugs Oscar!

    I'm still working on our interview! I'll get there!

