I purchased Power Up for Profits by Kathleen Gage with the idea that it would get my small business up to speed. The book is chock-a-block with instructions and ideas for running an on-line business, It covered about everything including the use of the media, videos, and what do and how to do it in many cases. The Chapter Titles give you a clue to what's inside, e.g., Your Business is Your Expression, Your Marketing Strategy, Create Information Products, Blogging for Fame and Fortune, The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread - Social Media, and one more example - Teleseminars and Webinars. There are more titles than those mentioned, but it gives you an idea of the scope of the book.
The Subtitle of the book is The Smart Woman's Guide to On-line Marketing - Internet Marketing for Today's Entrepreneur. The great thing is, it's no just for women. Men can make great use of it, too
My small business is stagnated in a pothole of mud and I'm at a standstill. But now that I've read this book, I understand why and what to do about it. I hope to use some of the information to get out of the pothole and make a little money. All I must do is follow Ms. Gage's instructions, not all of them, but enough to get me started.
I give Power Up for Profits FIVE STARS for it's writing, usefulness, and instructions.